April 17, 1998
Cleveland to host international bowling tournament
by Ed Progar
Cleveland-This Memorial Day weekend, the city of Cleveland will host one of the largest gay and lesbian sporting events in the world (second only to the Gay Games).
On May 22 through May 25, over 500 men and women will converge on the city to take part in IGBO '98, the 18th annual tournament of the International Gay Bowling Organization.
IGBO is an umbrella organization which boasts over 100
member bowling leagues throughout the continental United States, Hawaii, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
Affiliates inIclude the Cleve-
during that time, interested spectators from our community are welcome and invited to come and watch.
In keeping with Cleveland's reputation as the "Rock & Roll Capital of the World," the theme for this year's tournament is "Cleveland Rocks IGBO."
Since its inception in 1981, the IGBO tournament has grown to the extent that the Coors Brewing Co. and United Airlines have agreed to be national sponsors of the event. As of this date, local sponsors include Club
Body Center, Cleveland GIFT (Gay Invitational Fellowship bowling tournament), the North Coast Bowling Assn., and the Grid, Leather Stallion Saloon, MJ's Place, Rockies, Ohio City Oasis, U4ia, and Aunt Charlie's The Cage nightclubs.
land North Coast Bowling Association Sunday and Friday Leagues and the Akron Summit Bowling League. IGBO also oversees more than 50 regional tournaments held throughout the year in various cities, including the highly regarded GIFT tournament held in Cleveland every June for the past 12 years.
Each year IGBO affiliates are invited to bid for the privilege of hosting this prestigious annual affair. Cleveland won the bid in May of 1996 and the "bid committee” immediately began planning for the weekend. The 96-lane Palisades Palace Bowling Center in Wickliffe has been reserved for the event.
Bowling sessions will be held there on Saturday, May 23, from 9 am to 9 pm, and on Sunday, May 24, from 10 am to 4 pm. While the lanes will be closed to the general public
A major hurdle faced by the organizing committee is the raising of funds to help provide a memorable weekend for our guests. In addition to the national and local sponsorships already garnered, several events have been held to help raise money. These have included various raffles, "Moonlight Bowls," bar nights at local establishments, inter-league bowling tournaments, and T-shirt sales. Several IGBO affiliates from across the country have also contributed financially.
The IGBO '98 Committee would like to express their sincere gratitude to the tournament sponsors and donors, as well as the hundreds of individuals who attended and participated in our many fund-raisers.
In addition to the bowling sessions, sev-
eral events are being planned for the weekend by the local organizing committee.
A Registration Party is scheduled for bowlers on Friday evening May 22 at the Cuyahoga County Courthouse, complete with food and beverages and “Human Bowling.” Parties at various sponsoring establishments throughout the city over the weekend are in the planning stages, as well as an "open to the public" viewing of selected panels of the AIDS Memorial Quilt at the Sheraton on Sunday, May 24, from noon to 3 pm. The weekend will conclude with an awards
banquet at the Sheraton on Sunday evening followed by a farewell party at U4ia night club. It has been estimated that the weekend will pump in excess of $500,000 into the local economy.
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend some or all of the various public activities this Memorial Day weekend as we "Welcome the World" to Cleveland, Ohio for IGBO '98. ♡
Ed Progar is the secretary of the IGBO Cleveland 1998 Committee
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